Endpoint URLs

API services

The API has multiple endpoint URLs, one for each service being offered.


Replace {service} with the name of the service being requested. The service must be all lowercase.

The API expects JSON-encoded parameters (not a single JSON parameter) sent as HTTP POST. See API Communication Specification for full details.

The response is also JSON-encoded.

Most languages have in-built functions to handle the encoding and decoding between a string of JSON-encoded data, and the arrays/objects it represents. More information on JSON can be found at JSON.org.

PHP API client

Xtremepush maintains a PHP-based API client which can be installed with the Composer dependency manager, to simplify making any API requests, and well as including helpers for common tasks.

PHP API Client

Download service

The download endpoint allows you to download files created by various API methods. Authentication is sent using Basic Auth .


The full URL is detailed in the Return Values section of the various methods that create downloadable files, such as

Also see: