Bounce categories

Different bounce types are assigned a category and dependent upon this category, are marked as a permanent or temporary reason for failure.

A recipient is added to the Global Bounce List when they have reached the threshold number of permanent failures (3 by default; 1 for top providers).

Temporary failures are retried for a number of days (3 by default), and only listed when the bounce is considered hard, i.e. undeliverable, for that particular email. These are not used to add recipients to the Global Bounce List, and the recipient will be available for sending in future campaigns.

Category List


Category nameDescription
command_rejectRequest to deliver is rejected, eg. bad mailserver configuration means it will not receive mail for the domain for which it is listed
dns_loopA routing loop has been detected, ie. 'server A' forwards to 'server B' which forwards back to 'server A'
dns_unknownListed mailserver cannot be found
inactiveMailbox is listed as inactive
otherDelivery to the listed recipient has failed, no specific reason is given
unknownMailbox does not exist
user_rejectThe mailbox user has rejected the message. May also occur when using the same 'from' domain for which the mailserver is responsible


Category nameDescription
antispamDelivery blocked due to spam patterns
autoreplyMailserver has replied with an 'out-of-office'-type message
content_rejectMessage content caused the rejection, usually due to a malformed message
internal_errorError has occured on the mailserver, eg. bad configuration
deferMailserver is too busy to accept message
delayedMail delivery is temporarily delayed, usually due to high volume
fullMailbox is full / over quota allowance
oversizeMessage is larger than the maximum size permitted by the mailserver
unrecognizedDelivery to the listed recipient has failed for an unmatched reason
warningUser is not allowed to receive messages


In the table above, the following terms take the meanings described:

MailboxAlso known as the user, this is the part of email address before the @ symbol, and tells the mail server to which user it needs to deliver the message.
DomainThis is the part of the email address after the @ symbol, which our system uses to find the correct receiving mail server.
MailserverUnless otherwise indicated, this refers to the receiving server, which has been listed as handling the mail for the recipient's domain.