Form details
The following options can be found under the Setup tab after creating your new Form.
Action URL – The URL called to action the form as a POST or GET.
Form URL – The URL of the associated online form created in the 'Builder' tab.
Where to store recipients
Select a data list from the drop-down. This is where submitted recipients will be added or updated.
Consider a new list
If you plan on exporting the recipients at a point in the future along with data collected by the form then it may be a good idea to create a new list specifically for this form rather than loading them into a primary list.
Allow multiple updates (enabled by default) – Allows the same recipient to submit the form more than once.
Allow open access (enabled by default) – Allows responses from recipients that do not already exist on the list.
Require CAPTCHA (recommended) – Rejects any submissions to a form which do not include successful CAPTCHA results. See more info about CAPTCHA form validation.
Updated 11 months ago