Split test status
Once happy with your test the last thing to do is Approve it. This locks the test, preventing any users from making any changes without first setting the Test back to Draft.
To Approve a Split test, navigate to:
Split Test > Status Tab
Here you can send a notification to a colleague for them to approve the Test or you can simply Set to Approved.
Authoriser role
Only users with the Authoriser role will have access to set Emails and Tests to Approved.
Warnings and Errors Preventing Approval
There are a few things that will stop you from setting a Test to Approved, but warnings and errors will be made known to you via the interface. One to be aware of in particular is that Emails within the test must be set to Approved and have a Scheduled time set against them to be included in the Split Test.
Unapproved Emails
Unapproved emails can be left in a test, even after setting it to scheduled so long as:
- The test does not have a Winner
- The test is not a Recurring Test
Updated about 1 year ago