Import recipient numbers

With the SMS feature enabled on your account, a new SMS Number profile field becomes available and will be shown in all lists.

Using the regular import process you can then add SMS numbers to your recipients data in Maxemail.


Things To Note

  • The unique identifier for all recipients in Maxemail is still the customer's email address and as such should be provided with any import in order for Maxemail to determine which record to update.
  • As with all Profile Fields, the SMS number is global for a recipient record. Any change made to the number in one list will be reflected in all lists where that recipient exists.
  • The SMS number is not unique, so if required then it is possible to have the same SMS number against two different recipient records.

Number Format

Maxemail will validate any SMS number added to the SMS Number field to make sure it


  • matches the recognised SMS number format for the default country (as set up in the configuration step).


  • has a recognised international prefix and matches the recognised SMS number format for that country

Default Country Code

Unless you specify otherwise, your Maxemail Customer Space will be set up with GB (+44) as the default country code.

An SMS number can be imported in a format that matches the default country. e.g. for GB a recognised number would be any of the following:

  • +447400123456
  • 447400123456
  • 07400123456
  • 7400123456

Alternative Country Code

If you wish to override the default country then the number must be imported with the correct international prefix for that country.

  • Recommended: Prefix with the plus symbol (eg. +33612345678)
  • Alternative: Prefix with 00 (eg. 0033612345678)

Importing Without an Email Address

It is highly recommend to only import SMS numbers against your existing recipients, to make use of cross-channel marketing abilities such as sending follow-up SMS to recipients who have not opened or clicked an Email Campaign.

However, if your SMS data is not associated to an email address, then you should import your data into a new List (separate from any existing data used for email marketing) with a dummy email address.

Construct the dummy email address using the real SMS number against at . Eg:

This data MUST NOT be used for email marketing, as the email addresses will bounce and result in your account being suspended.