Data exports
If a more detailed look at the performance of your campaigns is what's needed and you are not able to use the Maxemail APIs to pull the engagement data out, then a Data Export might be what you need.
These reports can be set up to provide a number of different data sets which can then either be exported manually to your local machine or on a scheduled basis to a secure FTP.
You can create a new Export via: Navigation > Reporting > Data Export
Select the Emails and Recipient Profile Fields that you would like data for.
You can also set a date range at the top of the page which can be useful to reduce the amount of data exported if you know exactly what time frame you are after. This can be static dates as well as relative ones... e.g. 1 month ago to Today. (Relative dates are extremely useful if scheduling a recurring report as described below.)
View the different data sets available. Expand the sections to read more detail and see exactly which standard fields are included with each export.
Check the Each row represents section to understand how the data is defined for each export to make sure you understand the data you will receive.
Clicking the Export button will ask you if you'd like the data exported to a file which will then be downloadable via the main navigation, or directly into a Maxemail list for use in your future email campaigns.
If you'd like to receive an Export on a regular basis you can do this via the Scheduled tab in the Data Export you are working on.
Go to: Navigation > Reporting > Data Export > Select an Export > Schedule
Selected Reports shows the same list of reports that were available on the Export page, simply select which ones you'd like to include in a scheduled export.
Set the Recurring Options to tell Maxemail how often you'd like to run the report. (Bear in mind you will probably want to set up a Relative Data Range as described above so you don't simply receive the exact same set of data each time).
Configure the Directory to let Maxemail know where the reports should be exported to.
Click Active in the top right to set the Scheduled Export running on the recurring schedule you set above.
Set the notification recipient
When setting to Active you will be asked who should be notified were the Export to fail for any reason. It is recommended that you always include at least one email address in this section so that failed exports do not go unnoticed. Maxemail provides no other reporting on this so you will not be able to see details of failed exports if there is no address set up here.
Updated about 1 year ago