Customise the unsubscribe landing page

The text and colour of the unsubscribe pages can be adjusted to match client branding.

In order to better match client branding, the standard Maxemail unsubscribe landing page shown to recipients when they click an unsubscribe link can have its text and colour options modified. This is a global option for a customer space, and not configurable per campaign. To adjust these values, please contact our support team.

Default styles

Unsubscribe prompt

Unsubscribe prompt

Unsubscribe success

Unsubscribe success

Configurable values

These are the text and style values that can be adjusted. Examples of the pages with their default configuration are shown above.

PropertyTypeDefault value
Background colourHex colour#FFFFFF (white)
Text colourHex colour#000000 (black)
Text alignmentleft, center, rightleft
Prompt titleTextUnsubscribe
Prompt messageTextAre you sure you want to unsubscribe?
Prompt button background colourHex colour#588DC3 (blue)
Prompt button text colourHex colour#FFFFFF (white)
Prompt button textTextUnsubscribe
Success titleTextUnsubscribe Success
Success messageTextYou have been successfully unsubscribed.