SMS report breakdown
The total number of recipients sent the SMS.
Recipients who have been sent the SMS will show as Pending until they move to Delivered or Not Delivered. This is usually very brief, but if Recipients stay as Pending for more than a hour after the campaign has completed, it's likely their SMS number is invalid, and they will eventually move to Expired.
Recipients for whom Maxemail has received a positive delivery confirmation. Unlike Email, mobile networks return a delivery status confirmation when the message has been delivered to the subscriber (this does not necessarily mean the message has been delivered to the Recipient's device).
Not Delivered
Recipients for whom the message cannot be delivered.
Delivery Failed
Recipients for whom Maxemail has received a delivery rejection. Similar to an email bounce, the receiving mobile network has returned a status notification that the message cannot be delivered. Typically this is because the number does not have an active subscriber.
Recipients who could not be sent the SMS. When a Recipient SMS has been retried up to 72 hours without success (while they were marked as Pending), they will then be marked as Expired. Typically due to an invalid number which is not registered to a mobile network.
The number of Recipients who clicked a tracked link in the SMS message.
Total Clicks
As above, including multiple clicks from the same Recipient, and/or on the same link.
The number of Recipients who replied to the SMS message.
Total Replies
As above, including multiple replies from the same Recipient.
The number of Recipients who opted-out of SMS messages by replying with the opt-out keyword. These Recipients will have also been added to the Global SMS Stop List.
Updated about 1 year ago