Field types

Fields can be one of the following data types and it's important to create the right type depending on the data you are going to store in it:


Stores a Boolean value of True or False. Values accepted are 1 / 0, True / False, y / n,yes / no.


Used to store numerical values only. Numbers can be in the range -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647. Numbers stored are integers (whole numbers) only


Stores decimal or floating point numbers, rounded to 2 decimal places


As per a decimal field but will always make sure the recorded value is stored with 2 decimal places, using zeros to make up the extra if needed. So for example if 123.1 is entered then it will be stored as 123.10

Phone Number

Can store numbers where a leading + or 0 is accepted (spaces are not supported). For example, +447900900990 or 07900900990 .


Used to store text strings of up to 255 characters. Text fields can be used within segmentation definitions

Large Text

Can store large text strings, there is still a size limit but it is in the region of 65 THOUSAND characters. Large Text fields cannot be used within segment definitions, they are available so that their content can be merged into the body of an email


Stored as text but values entered are checked on input to make sure they follow the correct format of an email address including the @ character and dots (.) in the accepted places


Standards-compliant ISO-8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) is input without any modification.

  • If inputting a date which starts with 2 digits before the first separator then again the system uses the separator to decide the intended format
  • This field stores a date. The format of the imported date will determine how the system understands it

Date and Time

This field stores date and time and the formatting works in the same way as the Date field above


Unlike all above fields, the HTML field will not encode the values when outputting to content in your emails. These can be used to show dynamic, personalised blocks of content within email messages.


Be careful of HTML injection attacks

Only use the HTML profile field type if you can be sure how it is being populated.
For fields that can be populated from places like an open form submission you should always use one of the specific Profile Types above.