Summary report

The Summary Report can give you a quick overview of all messages sent within a time frame that you specify. It contains all standard, triggered and recurring emails & SMS with all the regular sent, open and clicked stats, as well as other details such as converted and unsubscribes.

A PDF of the Summary Report can be emailed on a Schedule.

Accessing the Summary Report

There are two ways to access the Summary Report in Maxemail.

The Summary Widget

From the dashboard you can open up the Summary Report to show the last 7 or 30 days by clicking the report icon next to those data ranges.

The Reports Menu

The Summary Report is also available from the main Reports menu. This will open the report with the date range set to the last 7 days.

Setting the Date Range

Once the report is open you can change the date range by clicking in the date field and selecting the dates you wish to report on. Any messages which were sent within this date range will be included in the list. The data displayed will show how that message performed between those dates.

Available Reporting Data

Messages shown in the list will present their data in an easy to read tabular layout.

You can see a list of all the data available to this report by clicking the down arrow next to any of the column headers and selecting Columns from the list. Check as many of the fields as you wish to show figures for them.

Copy Data to Your Own Spreadsheets

To transfer this data to your own spreadsheet simply by clicking the Copy Data button on the toolbar. This copies the data you currently have showing to the clipboard in a format which will paste neatly into your spreadsheet program of choice