Scheduled email reports
You can set up any number of timed Email Breakdown reports to be emailed to a list of recipients. This is the same as the report sent if configured at the time of Scheduling the Email but allows to to configure the report recipients and select multiple emails or folders.
You can create a new report in Navigation > Reports and click on New Scheduled Report on the toolbar.
Select the email(s) to include in the report data selection by expanding the displayed folders in the 'Email Selection' section and ticking the checkbox next to each required email name or folder.
Enter the schedule details:
- Send report after interval of: – Select Days or Weeks from the interval drop list and enter the appropriate number of days or weeks interval. This dictates how long after the completion of the email the report is sent.
- Recipients – Enter the email address of everyone that should receive a copy of the scheduled report(s).
Separate reports
Where multiple emails are selected in the same schedule, a separate report is issued for each email following the interval based on its own completion date.
Updated about 1 year ago