Form Builder tab

The Form Builder tab allows creation of forms for recipients to complete, so the data they submit can be captured in the specified List and Profile Fields. Forms created through the builder are automatically linked to its action and can be directly accessed on the web via the Form URL displayed on the Form Setup tab.

The Builder tab has three sections:

Content display

This is the main area of the tab. Your form content is displayed here as each item is added or changed.

Items you can add include:

  • Content – Use these to add instructions and interest to your form 
  • Input – Use these to capture values from the form users
  • Options – Use these to add selections and multiple choice checkboxes to the form
  • Button – Use this to allow users to submit the form
  • Hidden – Use these to allow extra values to be sent with your form without the user seeing them

Click items in the toolbar to add them to the form.

The order of the items can be rearranged in the form by clicking on them and dragging higher or lower.

An item can be deleted from the form at any time by selecting it and then clicking the trash icon in its top right corner.

Dynamic Content

Content items support some of the Content tokens that are available in email content: Recipient token, Snippet token, Ruleset token, Date token, Merge token.

Form Properties

Shows the properties governing the entire form, e.g. background colour. All properties can be edited in the Form Properties panel.

Item Properties

Shows the properties of the currently selected form item. All properties can be edited in the Item Properties panel.